Monday, February 7, 2011

Living above the flood waters

Scripture Reference:
Genesis 6:1 - 9:17

No wound is beyond healing,no pain is everlasting and nobody remains a perpetual slave to failure,sickness and depression!

It is in the darkest moments of your life,that God unveils the greatest plans He has in store for you.Those plans may find you broken,they may find you frail and beyond the point of no faith - nevertheless,there is nothing that can destroy you without it getting prior approval from you!

There is something great that God wants to do in your life  - it does not depend on the presence of other individuals,nor does it have to be confirmed by them!

Trials may have battered you and left you without hope in tomorrow,you may have passed through a painful experience in your past - perhaps you are finding it difficult to reconcile your love for God,in relation to where you have been?

When the dreams once cherished and held dear, lay lifeless,as remnants of a shattered soul - bound by guilt and despair,self pity and imposed fear - God remains present when the presence of other things is stuck in our past.

Today,take a conscious decision to live above the flood waters. 

Where your vessel can sail above the storms of life,when all else is ravaged by failure -
above the temporal failures of life and the life threatening conditions of sin,it is not too late to construct your ark.

Build in due time - on your knees with a prayerful life you can stand taller than the shadows that intimidate progress and personal development!

Let God direct your ship,let Him ensure that it stays afloat,when life is moved from surface to deep waters - your safety and that of your family can be guaranteed only in Jesus Christ.

God bless you

Ev N Buthelezi

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