Dear Friends
In a world ever changing,defined by inconsistency and spiritual lethargy-Briefly consider this passage:
Hebrews 11:6
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him..."
Faith infiltrates the dimension of impossibility,it ventures into thresholds previously unoccupied by logic.
Yet without faith,our lives rotate around the axis of routine and fear.Dreams perish and life becomes governed by a habitual state of visionlessness.
Without faith,what is tangible and material speaks louder than what is divine and eternal-Locked up in despair,we define ourselves by what is on us,rather than in us.
Faith turns impracticalities into achievables,doubt and despair are rendered impotent at the hands of faith.
Yet without faith,we may never please God!
I challenge you today to stop living a life of perpetual and consistent defeat!
Get your house in order!
Exercise faith as a daily tool not just a pseudo spiritual tendency!
This year,reconstruct the broken walls of your:
Use faith to live an extraordinarily Spirit led life-Let this day usher you into a new season,a season of living "beyond the portals of logic"!
You may not academicaly explain your desires,they may seem illogical,but faith operates where logic dares not tread!
Often we let fear rule over faith,our lives become marred by social insecurity because they are defined by spiritual inconsistency!
Start living by faith and let your spouse see an improved you this year,let your children find comfort in knowing that they have a parent who finds comfort in God!
May God bless you!
Ev N Buthelezi
071 175 1724
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